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Sign of Things to Come – Desert Island the Butcher’s Block

Desert Island the Butcher’s Block
There is nothing better than a Deserted Island with lots of food. 

This piece was designed for a very small kitchen which suffered from minimal storage. The clients are lovers of food (foodies) and entertaining their friends and family often. All of the materials for this project were taken from discarded seconds of the floor of the timber supplier. Some where twisted, bent, knotted or just plane unusable. We managed to turn this into a “beast” (pardon the pun). As part of the brief it needed to be able to hold 200 kg of kitchen equipment and then be able to be used to break down a whole pig (head to tail). It can hold about 700kg plus pushing through further under usual other forces, engineered to survive. The achievement for the client  has been two fold, all the brief has been met with detail. As an added bonus if there circumstances changed all the sizes can be changed or even better two smaller ones can be made.

Yes our business is inclusive of all we have, no boundaries, pronouns, pets and other possible requirements, workshop safety is however paramount. This is Chibi the Healer and Olive the Staffy in amongst the action. However when we start whirling things up they have there own yard out the back as you can see above.

The final piece insitu the “Desert Island”, the great test of faith was pushing it one kilometre down the roads through the streets of Brunswick to the clients house. Other than the locals finding it quite interesting and amusing, it did not miss a beat. Curbs, bumps and just raw inner Melbourne grunge it took it in its stride. They could roll this to the local park for a BBQ.

Last, the entire bench is coated with food grade oil making it perfect for food preparation. Pasta Board, Butchery, Servery and a great deal of unimpeded bench space in a small kitchen. A little extra maintenance however sustainable and non deterministic.


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